January 31, 2009

Credit crunch - what does that mean to me?

A few months ago no one had heard of credit crunch, credit squeeze and had forgotten all about harder times. Now you can`t step outside the comfort of your bed before you hear these words. How did we end up here and how will this affect me? Well, I suppose common greed led us down this path like so many times before. The inflation spiraling, borrowing on the rise and so on and so fort. If you are lucky enough to keep a job I suppose the first personal encounter with the credit squeeze will be when they say no to a loan or a mortgage. Things we weren`t used to. What if I can`t buy a home for years? If you aren`t so lucky I suppose losing your job will make you see the harsh reality pretty quickly. So, how to stay alert? I say, stay informed by staying tuned in here...

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